I’ve been itching to get all the rock that the excavator installed compacted, because it’s a little wobbly to walk on right now. Also, when we turn our vehicles on it in the driveway, the tires dig up the rock and cause problems. But when the irrigation was up and running, we could finally see just how much that stuff would flatten out and if it would be a little easier to walk on.

We looked to Home Depot again to rent the compactor. They have several sizes, but the excavator said that the smallest mechanized one (the Jumping Jack) would just punch holes in the rock. He suggested the 20-inch plate compactor, so that’s what we did.

Did it make a difference? Yes. Not as much as I had envisioned, but the paths are considerably easier to walk on, and tires don’t stir it up when we turn in the vehicles. The paths also look a little neater.





Those angular stones sure stick together and form a flat surface better than their rounder cousins. These look way more colorful when they’re wet, by the way.
I got up on the roof to take some photos of the cool mountains and thought I’d take some of our pathway. We’re still working on filling in the trenches.


I kinda like the angle of this pic.

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